Valverde Ximena, Rossel Raul Jorquera, Casals Albert2024-11-282024-11-2820231575-9563 education in Chile has yet to focus and deepen the possibilities that the use of traditional music can have as an interdisciplinary learning resource. As a result of this problem, this research focused on the relevance and value that traditional music can have as a comprehensive and interdisciplinary learning tool in formal music education. The research analyzed the implementation and results of a proposal for the sixth year of basic education with a pedagogical approach based on the idea that the music that we transfer to formal education cannot be separated from the experiences, activities, knowledge and socio-cultural implications that give them meaning in their contexts of origin. Through collaborative action research, the proposal was carried out in four centers and the perceptions of the collaborating teaching staff were analyzed. The results show that the inclusion of these types of music can enrich the learning process from an integrating conception of knowledge, considering the indivisibility of the musiccontext-society triad.Towards a comprehensive musical education: analysis of a proposal from traditional music in four Chilean schoolsArticle